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Castle Up

An engaging board game that takes you on a journey through the ages as you build and expand your city. This humble yet captivating game is perfect for friends and family looking to enjoy a night full of strategic decision-making, clever planning, and exciting twists.

As you progress through three distinct eras, you'll carefully choose buildings, gather resources, and engage in thrilling battles to outwit your opponents.

Whether you're a veteran gamer or new to the world of board games, CastleUp offers a perfect balance of simplicity and depth, making it an ideal choice for a play full of laughter, fun, and friendly competition.

The cards

CastleUp's heart lies in its beautifully crafted cards. Each card represents a unique building or district, setting the stage for your city's growth.

Cards are divided into three eras and four suits: Military, Merchant, Civilian, and Wonder, each adding unique dynamics to your city's development.

From guarding your city with Military cards, prospering with Merchant, flourishing with Civilian, to building awe-inspiring Wonders, each card type forms a crucial part of your strategic plan.


The resources

Your kingdom's growth revolves around four crucial resources: Manpower, Supplies, Food, and Gold. These resources are key for building structures and sustaining your city. Gold shines as a versatile asset, substitutable for any resource and essential for repairing damaged buildings. Efficiently managing these resources is central to achieving victory in CastleUp.


Combat & damaged buildings

In CastleUp, buildings are not invincible. They can get damaged when attacked, flipping to their reverse side. This side shows the repair cost to restore them to functionality. A damaged building can't be used until repaired, adding a strategic layer to the game. Be vigilant in protecting and repairing your buildings to maintain your city's strength.



Unlock the power of synergies in CastleUp! Certain cards work together to create impactful combos, allowing you to amplify your city's growth or bolster its defenses. Building the right combination of structures can turn the tide of the game, rewarding thoughtful strategy and clever planning. Discover and master these combos to outmanoeuvre your opponents and pave your way to victory.

Initiative and central market

The order of play and access to new building cards in CastleUp are determined by the Initiative and the Central Market. The player with the Initiative token goes first, giving them first access to the Central Market. But remember, the Initiative can be purchased by others, so strategically timing your moves in the Central Market is key to securing valuable buildings and maintaining your turn advantage.

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Achieving victory

The ultimate goal in CastleUp is to build a city with the most victory points when the central deck runs out. Victory points are gained from building structures and completing wonders. The player with the most points emerges victorious, their city standing as a testament to their strategic prowess and efficient resource management. Master the delicate balance of city development and competition to achieve victory.

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